Positive Thinking in a Negative World

2 min readMar 29, 2021

There are billions of minds in this world, but only one that has the ultimate power to change our personal environment. Every time I create a positive thought in my mind. I create a negative thought, as well.

For example, I might think, “I am going to be successful at….” But my mind will say back, “No, you’re not, because….”

It is human nature to have a balance of positive and negative thoughts. It just comes down to which one I choose to give my energy and attention to.

If I focus on the positive constantly, that becomes powerful because it will control my outlook as well as the environment around me. However, the same is true if I choose to focus on the negative thoughts, because it has the same ability to control me.

Today, my positive thought is there is no disaster blocking anything I have planned for myself, my friends or family.

And if there were, I would do my best to let the crisis become a bridge, and cross that bridge tomorrow. Because that’s life.

The fact of the matter is I don’t have a choice on what might happen tomorrow, next week or next year. The only choice I possibly have is how I am going to react or respond to situations in my own life, today.

This works for me now, but tomorrow that may change. The reality is I don’t know what my future may bring. But I know if I live in the present and choose the positive side of my thoughts, I can’t go wrong and it will be good day.




A motivational speaker and published author of three books and various magazine articles. He is also a licensed Realtor with Paramount Realty in Waco, Texas.